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Brief info about  Echometria :

It's a multi-sensory Sound sculpture  


Well , what does it mean ...?


It means it's a Sound driven sculpture . By playing it ,it will trigger various devices to offer multi-sensory experience.[Drawn form Synaesthesia]


















  • Touch : Majority of the Art pieces in museums are not meant to touch  .As Covid is still severe ,  the Sculpture is gonna be played by you with hands waving .

  • Hear : Vibrations is what comes out of the speaker and reaches our ear canal , but what about the impaired community ? Well ,I got you covered .

  • See : See the sound represented in vivid visuals 

  • Smell : Bringing nature to the concrete jungle . (Or sanitation as the audience might be allergic to a certain scent ) 










Design Philosophy

Post minimalism



Materials/Construction  : 

All Wood Structure ,Aim for Plastic Free,






Without tablet / display control but offer a portal of some sort to debug / change presets 


Modular System : 

  • Center Core (Oval)  (Split in Half for ease of assembly )

  • Detachable Wings(2x2)



(Japanese Kumiko-ish type of Deco) as speaker(s) dust cover



Take away [caveat]

          - Empowering participants to create their own palette /blank canvas 

          - There is no right and wrong judgement , it's an inclusive/collective effort 

          - No intimidating instructions / tablet control necessary 

          - Fully Immersive/interactive


Multi-Sensory (Utilizing 4 of 5 Senses)

Inclusive for inpaired communities & Ethnic minorities

Utilizing Extended Frequency Spectrum Beyond 20-20khz (Human Hearing ) 

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